JAGUAR F-PACE X761 2.0 D AWD Front Left Brake Disc Mileage: 97005 km 132 KW 2015-09-01-> Right-Hand Driven / Rechtsverkehr Condition: The part is from a used vehicle, condition as shown in the provided pictures.
JAGUAR F-PACE X761 3.0 AWD Front Left Brake Disc 250 KW 2015-09-01-> JAGUAR Condition: Gebraucht: Artikel wurde bereits benutzt aber in gutem Zustand und vollkommen funktionsfähig.
JAGUAR F-PACE X761 2.0 D AWD Front Right Brake Disc Mileage: 4758 mi 132 KW 2015-09-01-> Right-Hand Driven / Rechtsverkehr KK831125AA Condition: Has some rust.Diameter: 32.5CM
JAGUAR F-PACE X761 2.0 D Rear Right Brake Disc Mileage: 144000 km 132 KW 2015-09-01-> Right-Hand Driven / Rechtsverkehr 325MM Condition: The part is from a used vehicle, condition as shown in the provided pictures.
JAGUAR F-PACE X761 2.0 D AWD Front Left Brake Disc Mileage: 4758 mi 132 KW 2015-09-01-> Right-Hand Driven / Rechtsverkehr KK831125AA Condition: Has some rust.Diameter: 32.5CM.