BMW i3 I01 Hybrid Tailgate Rubber Seal Mileage: 47000 km 75 KW 2013-08-01-> Right-Hand Driven / Rechtsverkehr Condition: This item is from used vehicle, condition as shown in the provided pictures.
BMW i3 I01 Hybrid Tailgate Rubber Seal Mileage: 61000 km 75 KW 2013-08-01-> Right-Hand Driven / Rechtsverkehr Condition: The part is from a used vehicle, condition as shown in the provided pictures.
Türgummi links vorne BMW i3 (I01) 7301741
BMW i3 I01 Hybrid Front Left Door Seal Rubber 75 KW 2013-08-01-> Right-Hand Driven / Rechtsverkehr 7301741 Condition: No defects but may have some signs of wear.
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